Kim ("PanacheMosaics" on Flickr) sent in a work-in-progress photo of her "Pot Challenge" entry.
As you know, these challenges have very few guidelines - they're open to your interpretation - and this is a great example of that. Kim isn't actually making a pot; she's using a broken decorative pot to make something else.
She asked me if this qualified, and I told her I felt it did. Now, if the challenge was "monochromatic", and the item was clearly multiple colors, that would be a different situation. I will handle these things on a case by case basis, and I'm always open to your opinions on these things.
In the end, it's up to you, the voters. At the end of the month you get to pick your favorite piece, and if you don't think a piece is appropriate for the challenge, then you should not vote for it.
Please enjoy Kim's piece, and check out the rest of her work on her Flickr photostream and on her website.
Have a great weekend, Everyone!