Hi Everyone,
As you recall, Lin (
Linlee8 on Flickr) picked the challenge "Swirl / Swirls on a Six Inch Square Flat Surface" which ends October 31, 2008.
Shortly after we announced it, Lin had the cool idea of creating the swirls on mesh and donating them to a worthy cause.
Click here to see the discussion.
Since then Lin has had an even more exciting idea for the swirls: a book!
She ran this past me, and I love the idea. I think it will give us ALL an opportunity to see our art in print!
You all have the option of not having your piece in the book, just like you have the option of simply doing a swirl and keeping it for yourself. whatever you'd like to do is fine.
If you do like the idea of a book and donating your swirl to a cause, then by all means - the more swirls the merrier. Please make as many as you'd like. Also, if you're donating a swirl, remember that it needs to be done on fiberglass mesh (details in the discussion mentioned above).
Here's what Lin has to say about the book:
If I happen to get a lot of swirl mosaics for the mural/panel
piece...I would like to document them and the making of the panel in a small (?) blurb-book.
I think that having a book of the panel/mural and it's making process
and your own featured swirl with ID would be fun to have even if it didn't get tied to a donation.
The book would be purchased directly from Blurb.com at cost as It doesn't have to have any profit attached to it right now. Then if the piece gets donated somewhere that the book can be an asset I can attach a profit for a certain period of time to go to that organization.
This would also require a release from you to allow me to photograph / publish / distribute the photo-book. When you contact MilliMoMo/Lynne or myself for the address to send your swirls we can send back the release. At which point you can print/sign & send with your swirl(s) I know this kinda thing can make some people nervous...the artist retains copyright of their art, but allows me to photograph / publish / distribute the book.