Saturday, November 8, 2008

Favorite Swirls Announced!

Hi Everyone,

The favorite swirl votes have all been tallied. For awhile during the counting I was worried we would end up with a 14-way tie, but three favorites finally floated to the top.

The number one favorite swirl was "Knot A Swirl" made by Lin Schorr (Linlee8 on Flickr).

Incidentally, Lin is organizing the donation of the "Swirl Quilt" and assembling it. She'll also be putting together a book with all our swirls and the assembled quilt on Blurb.

Here are our two beautiful runner-up swirls in alphabetical order.

"Happiness Is" by Carol (Artist_Mama on Flickr)

"Swirly Bird" by Crystal (CrystalThomas on Flickr)

And, one more time, here's a look at all of the swirls together. For a closer look, click here.

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