Hi Evereyone,
In case you don't visit the Mosaic Challenge Group on Flickr very often, I thought I'd List our current challenges here. You may also click on
this link, to read about them directly in Flickr.
We always have several challenges going on at a time. Right now there are FIVE. This allows us to avoid DOWN time while votes are being compiled, and we hope that if you don't like one of the current challenges, you might like another.
For more details about each of the challenges, you can click on the linked titles, which will take you to the discussions in Flickr.
January 26 - March 15, 2009 - Challenge #16 - "Doodle", by CrystalThomas
When you submit your completed doodle, you should also submit the original doodle.
January 26 - March 31, 2009 - Challenge #17 - "Found Object, Mixed Media, Any Substrate", by NT Candy
Your completed piece should be mixed media, AND it needs to include a found object or objects. "Found" should not be something you "found" in a thrift shop, unless it's a button on the floor. :-) It's typically something you pick up off the ground, off the floor, out of a lost and found box, etc. Please visit the discussion for more clarification.
February 19 - April 15, 2009 - Challenge #18 - "One of the Five Elements", by SiriusMosaics
Pick one of the Five Elements: Wood, Earth, Metal, Water, Fire. It can be your own intrepretation, may refer to the Chinese or Japanese Philosophy, scientific, etc.
February 24 - April 30, 2009 - Challenge #19 - "Fauvism, 2D", by MosaicWench
Well, there's not much to say here. Create a piece in the style of Fauvism, and keep it 2-Dimensional. There are some great links in the discussion showing you examples of Fauvism.
March 10 - May 15, 2009 - Challenge #20 - "Something Natural", by Stiglice
Your piece should use at least 50% natural materials: minerals, stones, pebb;es, etc. There is no restriction on the base, the colors, the theme, the style or the form of the natural materials.
Remember, submitted pieces must be completed during the challenge period, but it's okay if they're a work in progress at the time the challenge is announced.
I hope you can find at least one challenge that intrigues you! They all have gorgeous potential. The "Current Challenges" link (
here it is one more time), is probably the most important one to have for the Mosaic Challenge group, as it will always be up to date with, well..., the current challenges!
Happy Mosaicing!